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Skin Growth

Heber Valley Dermatology  -  - General Dermatology

Heber Valley Dermatology

General Dermatology & Cosmetic Dermatology located in Heber City, UT

Growths on the skin are usually benign and harmless, but removing them is an option if you don’t like the way they look or if they cause irritation. At Heber Valley Dermatology in Heber City, Utah, dermatologist Jessica Collins, DO, evaluates and removes common skin growths like warts and skin tags. To schedule an evaluation, call either of the two offices or book online today.

Skin Growth Q&A

What is a skin growth?

A skin growth is a raised or flat bit of tissue on your skin that looks different from the skin surrounding it. Most skin growths are benign and harmless to your health overall, but you might consider removing a growth for reasons other than your health. 

You might find your skin growth unattractive or bothersome because it catches on your clothes or jewelry. Sometimes, skin growths cause irritation just because of their location.

At Heber Valley Dermatology, Dr. Collins assesses skin growths to make sure they’re nothing more than benign pieces of flesh. In rare cases, a skin growth can indicate skin cancer. Dr. Collins assesses suspicious growths with visual exams and tissue biopsies. 

What are some common types of skin growths?

Some skin growths appear on your skin unprompted, while others come from viruses, sunlight, or systemic conditions. If you come in with a skin growth, Dr. Collins can tell you what type it is and whether or not it requires any testing. Most skin growths are:


Moles are dark spots, usually black or brown but sometimes pink or yellow, that can be raised or flat against your skin. They can change in appearance over time, but rapidly changing moles could indicate a type of skin cancer called melanoma that needs an early diagnosis. 

Skin tags

Skin tags are flesh-colored or slightly pigmented growths connected to your skin by a stalk. They usually show up in areas where your skin is folded or creased, like your armpit or groin.


Warts are bumpy growths that vary in color. They come from viruses in the human papillomavirus category and are contagious. They may go away on their own, but professional removal is very effective and advisable, so they do not spread. 

How are skin growths treated?

At Heber Valley Dermatology, Dr. Collins provides in-office treatments to remove warts, skin tags, moles, and other skin growths. Even if a growth is not cancerous or suspicious, you can remove it for cosmetic reasons or to prevent irritation. 

Services to remove growths include:

  • Minor excisional surgery
  • Laser cauterization
  • Cryotherapy
  • Dermabrasion

Dr. Collins gives you explicit instructions for caring for your skin after a minor skin growth removal procedure. If the growth is large enough, she may need to close the hole with stitches.

If you have a skin growth that either bothers or concerns you, call Heber Valley Dermatology, or request an appointment online today.